Course Overview
30-Day, 30-Minute Ultimate Practice Regimen
Day 1 Muscle Engagement and Isolations: abs, glutes, chest, shoulders
Day 2 Hip and Chest Slides and Twists: side to side and front to back
Day 3 Vertical Hip tilt, pelvic lift and drop
Day 4 Hip lifts (weight centered and weight shifted)
Day 5 Hip drops (weight centered and weight shifted)
Day 6 Wrist circles and Hand Undulations
Day 7 Isolation Combinations with Foot and Arm positions
Day 8 Steps and Rhythmic Weight Changes
Day 9 Pivots and Turns with Steps
Day 10 Hip and pelvic circles, standing and pivots
Day 11 Traveling with Isolations and circles
Day 12 Horizontal Hip figure 8’s
Day 13 Upper Body Strengthening and Flexibility: Shoulders, Back, Ribcage and Arms/standing & travel
Day 14 Vertical Hip figure 8’s, internal and external, standing and traveling
Day 15 Dynamic chest figure 8’s and upper body undulations
Day 16 Lower Body Undulations, standing, traveling, level and direction changes
Day 17 Shimmy conditioning (sitting, standing, glutes and upper body undulations and control, weight centered and weight shifted
Day 18 Transitions: Connect the Dots for Flow and Fluidity
Day 19 Essential Combinations 1: Fwd/back step, 3-step transition/turn
Day 20 Shimmy Transitions: Dynamic Alignment (high center and low center)
Day 21 Continuous Shimmy Practice
Day 22 Dynamic Shimmies
Day 23 Layering with Shimmies
Day 24 Dynamic Undulations
Day 25 Body Carriage and Traveling
Day 26 Three-quarter shimmy on the Down, a.k.a Hagallah walk variations
Day 27 Essential Step Combinations 2: double side-side hips, ¾ shimmy up, 3-step chasse 3-step turn
Day 28 Essential Step Combinations 3: step-touch, 3-step turn, side-step diagonal
Day 29 Signature Variations 1: Wonky Loopy Figure 8's
Day 30 Signature Variations 2: Body Rolls, Transitions and Pelvic Circle Combo